make repos-import-rhel9
go run cmd/external-repos/main.go process-repos
Let those repositories snapshot
is set to true in config.yaml, content access will be denied for custom repositories.You might need to adjust your firewall to allow access. When running on linux, you can set your default firewall zone to “trusted”:
sudo firewall-cmd --set-default-zone=trusted
To fully disable the firewall on linux:
sudo systemctl stop firewalld
This is assuming you are running a development environment on a Hypervisor (we’ll refer to this as a Laptop to differentiate it from the client Virtual Machine).
ip list
for example, if a VM has an ip address of, the Host’s IP address is typically pulp.content
subscription-manager config --server.hostname=pulp.content --server.port=8444 --server.prefix=/candlepin --server.insecure=1
subscription-manager register
Username: admin Password: admin
$ subscription-manager identity
system identity: 97d9b21f-9b49-4eae-ade7-beb2b050dee1
go run cmd/candlepin/main.go add-system $SYSTEM_IDENTITY $TEMPLATE_NAME
subscription-manager refresh
subscription-manager config --server.port=443 --server.prefix=/subscription --server.insecure=0 --server.proxy_port=3128
subscription-manager register
Use the credentials of your stage account.